Real Estate Law

Leading Law Firm with More than 10 years of experience

Real Estate Law


Property development in every state is a prominent market where navigation in complex issues is a need for the new entrants as well as the already existing developers, investors, builders, lenders, corporates, etc.

We at MB Jain & Partners provide market leading advisory services and Due Diligence across a range of services which involves Real Estate transaction.

 We also advise on the stamp duties, title verification, licensing, regulatory approvals from Government and statutory authorities as well as registration based on the applicable local laws.

Contract law is one of our core areas, we also provide drafting and vetting of Rent agreements, service agreements, Sale-Purchase-Lease Agreements, Mortgage deed, etc.

We regularly represent our clients before various authorities in matters relating to land misuse disputes, land acquisition proceedings, the sale of property, leasing matters, house tax issues, and municipal rules and bylaws.

Our clients trust us to manage, lead and resolve the intricacies of their transactions and disputes, synthesizing legal and commercial knowledge to provide them with counsel that translates into successful outcomes.

We Provide Services in getting insurance, drafting contracts, deeds, property taxes, estate planning, zoning, and titles, draft and review documents relating to MOUs, purchase and lease agreements, title documents and license agreements, preparing and reviewing all legal documents related to real estate affairs along with negotiating the terms and conditions of the transactions entailing real estate transactions and we ensure that any additions that have been made to a home don’t conflict with local building codes or permit guidelines. We provide with everything from a property title search to a resolution to a dispute in the real estate sector.

We provide best ITR solutions

We have a strong base of Intellectual Property Law and we are well equipped to steer matters in Copyright, Trade mark, Design, Geographical Indication, and Patenting. We take each of this Intellectual Property from its nascent stage of ideating and advising, filing, compliances and successfully resolving contentious matters. We contribute by research and suggestions to the requisite offices when new legislation is being passed.

Trade Mark Law

Trade mark is a source identifier and provides a business its unique identity.

Copyright Law

A copyright comes into existence as soon as an original published or unpublished literary

Design Law

design right protects the distinct appearance of a product, by providing a monopoly over the design of the product.

Plant Variety Protection

• New varieties • Extant variety • Farmers’ variety

No matter who you are, we’ve got what you need​

Let us help you!

Private Clients

Curabitur ac leo nunc estibul et mauris vel ante finibus maximus nec ut leo, integer consectetur.

Randy Willis, Founder


Curabitur ac leo nunc estibul et mauris vel ante finibus maximus nec ut leo, integer consectetur.

Randy Willis, Founder

Professional Firms

Curabitur ac leo nunc estibul et mauris vel ante finibus maximus nec ut leo, integer consectetur.

Randy Willis, Founder

Get a Personal Consultation


304 North Cardinal St. Dorchester
Center, MA 02124


Open Hours

Monday-Saturday 8 am - 6pm
Sunday 11am - 4pm